How to Read and Understand the Bible for Beginners (Essential Guide)

how to read and understand the bible for beginners

The Bible is like an epic tale. It has its own setting, characters, plot, and twists along the way. It takes time to get familiar with it all, but it’s more than worthwhile when you do. Here are the essentials you need to get started to better understand the Scriptures.

Table of Contents

How to Understand the Bible for Beginners

1. Read the Bible in Context

The first step to understanding the Bible is to read it in light of its surrounding context. If you’re stuck on the meaning of a single verse, read the entire paragraph that surrounds it. Then, read the entire chapter that it’s in. Even better than that, read the entire book of the Bible to give you its bigger context.

Before we look at how to read the Bible in its context: If this is your first time reading the Bible, I recommend that you start with the book of Mark. Here’s an article that I wrote on why I recommend the Gospel of Mark (link opens in a new window), especially if you might only read one book int the Bible.

If you’re planning on reading more than one book of the Bible, here are the 15 books that I would recommend (link opens in a new window). These will give you the main storyline and major themes of the Bible. The list below is from that article.

Best Order to Read the Bible

Those 15 books will give you a good context for the entire Bible.

Wherever you’re reading in the Bible, here is how you can think about what its context is:

The Context of the Bible (From Major Sections to Details)

  • Old and New Testaments
  • Genre of the Book
  • Individual Book
  • The Main Divisions of the Book
  • Chapter
  • Paragraph
  • Verse

If you stick to reading the Bible in context, then the big picture will eventually become clear to you. Later on, you can fill in the details the more you understand the Bible.

It’s also helpful to know the genre of the book that you’re reading. Here are 2 tables that give an overview of the genre and sections of the Bible so you can read it in its context.

Genres of Books & Sections of the Old Testament

Genre/SectionBooks of the Old TestamentTheme
LawGenesis to DeuteronomyOrigins & How God relates to Israel
HistoryJoshua to EstherThe history of Israel
PoetryJob to Song of SongsPsalms, Proverbs & Writings
ProphetsIsaiah to MalachiCalling Israel back to God

The books of the Law are historical content and stories mixed in with God’s Law for the nation of Israel. The historical part starts at the beginning of the world and is fairly straightforward.

The instructions for the people of Israel, like the book of Leviticus, can be a bit too much detail for those who are just starting out in the Bible. Feel free to skip those parts for now and come back to them later.

The books of History are fairly straightforward. A little bit of historical background from any good Study Bible or other Bible reference tool can be helpful here.

The books of Poetry are a mix of songs of worship, history, narrative, and proverbs.

Some of the Prophets wrote in verse and it’s possible they could have delivered the prophecies through music and song (2 Kings 3:15). Other books of the Prophets are historical and narrative.

Genres of Books & Sections of the New Testament

Genre/SectionBooks of the New TestamentSubject
GospelsMatthew to JohnThe Life of Jesus
HistoryActsHistory of the Early Church
LettersMost by Paul, several by othersLetters to churches or individuals
ProphecyRevelationJesus’ Second Coming and Leadership

The Gospels are 4 different records of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

The book of Acts is the history of the early church and sets up the scene for the rest of the New Testament.

The Letters, sometimes called Epistles, are written by Paul and others to individual Christians, or to churches. A good Study Bible can be helpful to explain some of the historical backgrounds. Even without the historical background, the letters are fairly straightforward. Sometimes, they can be quite dense with teaching, so don’t get stuck in the details when you’re starting out.

The Book of Revelation reveals the leadership of Jesus at the end of this age. People have different interpretations of what it means. Here’s an article you might find helpful if you’re interested in studying the book of Revelation: How Does the Bible End?

One resource that I recommend is Unlocking the Bible: A Unique Overview of the Whole Bible (You can check out the reviews on this link to Amazon) It has a chapter on every book of the Bible and explains how they fit together into the whole. It’s easy and clear to read and has great insights that will help you understand the Bible. Be sure to get the book and not the companion volume that only has diagrams, charts, and images. The covers look very similar.

2. Learn Who the Main Characters Are

Each section of the Bible has different figures that are central to the main storyline of the Bible. There are, of course, many more people in both the Old and New Testaments. Here are the 4 major figures in each of the Testaments with the general timeframe in which they’re alive.

Timeframe and the Main People in the Old and New Testaments

SectionTimeframeMain People
Old TestamentCreation to ~400 BCAbraham (2000 BC)
Moses (1500 BC)
David (1000 BC)
Isaiah (500 BC)
New TestamentThe 1st Century (0-100AD)Jesus
Abraham (Genesis 12-50)

In the Old Testament, God chooses one man, Abraham to be a blessing to all the nations of the world. Abraham responds to God in faith, becoming the father of all who believe (Romans 4). Abraham’s grandson, Isaac, has sons who will eventually become the nation of Israel.

Moses (Exodus 1-40)

Moses is the man that God chooses to deliver the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt. The Israelites were living as slaves in the land of Egypt at the time. God delivers the people through Moses and gives them the Law. The Law describes how the Israelites became God’s people and how they’re supposed to live so that God’s plan to bless all the nations of the world will be fulfilled.

David (1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles)

David was the second king of Israel. David ruled over the nation of Israel for 40 years. David makes Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

Israel was at the height of its glory during David and his son, Solomon’s, reign. It was a major step in establishing the nation of Israel in the land. During Solomon’s reign, there was a civil war that divided the nation of Israel into two: the Nothern region of Israel and the Southern region of Judah.


Isaiah was one of the many prophets that God sent to call the nation of Israel back to Himself. The people of Israel don’t follow God for many centuries with the exception of a few instances of revival. The Northern Kingdom falls to the Assyrian army. The Southern Kingdom eventually falls to the Babylonians. The people of Israel are sent into exile in Babylon for 70 years. After the 70 years, some of the exiles return to Judah.

3. Get Familiar with the Main Storyline

It’s helpful to become familiar with the main message and the storyline of the Bible. The Bible is not a random collection of 66 books. There is a common thread, a storyline if you look at the big picture.  If you have the big picture overview of the Bible, you can find out what part of the storyline you’re at.

It’s best to stick to the main and plain things in the Bible. The main idea and themes are very clear. The Bible was written over a period of 1600 years and the main theme is unveiled over that entire time. It’s not necessary to make it more complicated than it is. It’s possible to read the Bible for years and still not have the big-picture overview of the Bible.

If you stick to the main message of the Bible, it’ll keep you from getting lost in the details. The details can be fascinating because every verse of the Bible is useful and meaningful (2 Tim. 3:16-17). You can literally spend years studying the details and still learn new things.

Getting lost in too many details can be frustrating, especially in the beginning. It’s easy to get stuck on one verse, or even one word and miss the main point and the big picture.

The Bible is meant to be understood by ordinary people. Remember that the whole point of the Bible is that God wants to communicate with you. The main things in the Bible are the plain things and the plain things are usually the main things.

The next few paragraphs are very dense, but if you can grasp the main idea, it’ll be very helpful to understand the entire Bible. If you get stuck, feel free to move onto the next section and come back here whenever you want.

The two main sections of the Bible are the Old Testament and the New Testament.

The Old Testament shows that mankind could not fulfill God’s original plan. God created a perfect world without brokenness in people’s lives. People choose to depart from God’s ways. This is what the Bible calls sin. Sin is when we choose to go our own way.

The Old Testament is about God’s relationship with the people of Israel. The Bible starts in the book of Genesis with the creation of the universe and then it explains God’s plan to bless the entire world (Gen. 12:3). God’s way of doing this is to choose one nation, Israel, to be His own.

In the Old Testament, God elects the people of Israel to teach all the nations that He will make a new way that everyone can be restored. The people of Israel could not keep up their end of the Law. God had already planned a better way.

Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.

Jer. 31:31 (ESV)

This New Covenant that Jeremiah 31:31 mentions is the New Testament. The New Testament is about the life and work of Jesus Christ and the church He established. The Good News of the New Testament is that God pays for the penalty of our sin through the death of Jesus.

So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith.

Gal. 3:24 (ESV)

Our relationship with God is now based on our faith, or trust, in who Jesus is as the Son of God, and what He has done for us by dying on the cross for our sins. The Rest of the New Testament instructs us on how we’re to live now as God’s people.

4. Choose a Translation of the Bible That Best Fits Your Needs

There are many English translations of the Bible. Some are more literal, word-for-word to the original languages the Bible was written in, but might not read as smoothly in English. Others are paraphrases and flow well in the English language, but you lose some of the richness of the original languages.

Choose a modern translation that aims for a good balance of accuracy and readability. Some of the popular translations include the NLT or the ESV.

I wrote an article that goes into a bit more detail about Bible translations: What Version of the Bible Is Easiest to Read (link opens in a new window). I explain the differences and share my recommendations.

One way to understand the Bible better is to read a different translation or two to supplement the one you’re most used to. There are websites like Biblegateway that make looking at different translations very easy. I use one translation for my main reading Bible and look up the rest on my phone or computer.

5. Focus on Applying the Bible to Your Life

A great way to understand the Bible better is to ask how you can apply it to your life.

Questions to Help You Apply the Bible

  1. What does God want me to do?
  2. What is the change in perspective that God wants me to have?
  3. How will I think, feel, and live differently after I’ve read this?

Focusing on the application helps you stay focused on the big-picture of what the Bible is saying and not get lost in the details. Sometimes starting at the end helps you understand the intent. If you start with the end goal of what God wants you to do, the message and meaning of the Bible can become clearer.

The goal of Bible study is not to get more head-knowledge only. The Bible is meant to transform your heart, mind, emotions – your entire being.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Heb. 4:12 (ESV)

If you ever search a controversial topic online, you might notice how harsh people can get in supporting their point-of-view. Don’t be put off by that. It’s good to develop convictions as you read the Bible. 

But, it’s important to stay humble and teachable. Keeping the focus on applying the Bible to your life will help you do that. Heated theological debates usually do more harm than good for most people.

Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness… 

2 Tim. 2:23-25 (ESV)

Whenever you read the Bible, let it be an opportunity to repent. To repent doesn’t mean to feel bad about your sin. To repent in the Bible literally means “to think again” or “to think differently after.”

After you read the Bible and try to understand what God is saying, how does it change your mind and your actions? What is the perspective God wants you to see? When you change your mind and have a new perspective, that’s repentance.

There will be times when you hear different interpretations of a particular verse. How do you decide which one is right? Consider these questions and when in doubt, go with the one that makes you pursue God more.

How do you decide between different interpretations of the Bible?

Keep the application of the passage in mind by asking these questions:

  1. Does this interpretation encourage me to pursue God more and love Him with all my heart soul strength and mind? Or does it make me comfortable with how I am so I don’t have to change?
  2. Does this verse challenge me to trust God to do things that I would not be able to do in my own strength and ability?
  3. Does this interpretation present to me a view of God that upholds His holiness, majesty, mercy, and justice?

Unless your goal is to get an academic degree in understanding the Bible, it’s more important to let God’s Word search you heart and let Him bring light and truth to you.

The Living Flame of God’s Word

As you seek to understand the Bible better, ask God to teach you and have a teachable spirit. God wants to communicate with you. The Bible is meant to be studied and understood by normal, ordinary people.

God’s Word is an open door and an invitation to know the mind and heart of God. Keep bringing your heart and mind before the living flame of God’s Word!

They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”

Luke 24:32 (ESV)

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If you found this article to be helpful, here are others that I think you’ll enjoy:

21 Valuable benefits of Studying the Bible. The Bible promises these blessings for those who read and study it. I hope you’ll find encouragement and motivation to dig deeper into God’s Word.

In the Bible Explained for Beginners, I share a simple diagram that gives a helpful overview of the Bible.

If you want to read more about how to read the Bible in its context, here’s an article I think will be helpful: How the Bible is Arranged: The Main Structure and Its Meaning.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

David Kim

I'm David Kim and the Bible has been a passionate pursuit of mine for many years. This is a site where I get to share with you some of the things that I’ve been learning. I’m a husband, a father, pastor of a Parkway Fellowship Church (Dublin, CA), and a life-long student of the Scriptures.

29 thoughts on “How to Read and Understand the Bible for Beginners (Essential Guide)

    1. I’m glad it was helpful! Let me know if you have any requests for other articles that would be helpful to you.

    2. I thank the Lord to find your instructions! I have tried to begin to read the Bible several times, but through the Torah some parts make me confused. So I decide to put it up and listen to what my pastor explains on Sunday morning. I have written every one of your instructions down and am going to tape them up on my wall. I am sure they will help me not to want to stop reading again… God bless!

  1. Thank you so much Sr Dave Kim for this web page you created for those who are beginners in wanting to understand the Bible and enable ourselves having a relationship with Our Heavenly Father God.

    1. I’m so grateful to be able to encourage you and others to pursue and encounter God through His Word.

  2. I am so glad to have found your article and appreciate the manner in which you clarify some of the questions in my mind, especially those regarding the different interpretations that others have. It is an excellent point as you are so right! Often I read an interpretation, especially in the New Testament, that I immediately feel is what Christ calls us to do, as opposed to others that don’t fit how a Christian should respond. Now I will remember to listen to my soul and hear what Christ is speaking to it. Bless you for your work and sharing it with us!

    1. Thank you, I’m so grateful to be able to share. And grateful that we can grow into the likeness of Christ in every way and to learn His ways. Blessings to you!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this weigh people like me. I really appreciate your effort and I’m truly blessed.

    1. I’m so grateful to hear it was helpful. I pray that God will bless you and reveal His heart for you through His Word.

  4. I want to start reading the Bible from beginning to end to better understand and be able to follow and fulfill the word of God, it is not easy to start because many times I have returned to my old attitudes. I was searching how to be consistent in reading and following God’s word and found your article which shows beginners how to read the Bible effectively and put God’s word into practice. I am a sinner who seeks to repent day after day but it is not easy I always fall back into my old habits and for this I ask for support in prayer wherever you are so that my life can change and for everything I thank you for your article because it already helps me to understand many things before starting to read the Bible.

  5. God is so very faithful as we seek to follow Him and obey His precious Word. I pray that God will open the eyes of your heart so that you can know Him more (Eph. 1:17-19). He is a faithful Shepherd to us back to Himself whenever we stumble. And He delights in us even as we grow in maturity in Christ.

    1. I’m excited for your journey! I know you’ll discover many precious nuggets of insight and wisdom into the heart of God. Let me know if you run into any questions that I can help with along the way.

  6. Thank you pastor Kim for enlightening me. Am from Kenya and surely desire to know God more. I love this piece and hope I will be able to read and understand the word of God more. Surely, we all belong to God and repentance is inevitable.

    1. I hope that you’ll find God’s Word to be a constant stream of encouragement, wisdom, and refreshing through every season of your life. Yes, as God shares His heart and mind through His Word, it’s a delight for us to repent and rethink our lives and the world in light of Who He is and what He says. I pray that God will bless you and others in Kenya who have a hunger for Him and His Word!

  7. I’m new in riding the bible i what help I will be happy if i can get help l love God i want to lean more

    1. I pray that God will guide you as you have a desire to know Him more through His Word. I’ll send you an email.

  8. I really appreciate for sharing this knowledge of how to know the word of God but please I want to know more because I love God and I want to know Him more

  9. Pingback: How To Read The Bible - Blessed Catholic Mom
  10. Thank you so much for sharing this. It really helped me a lot . I will definitely follow these when I read Bible 🙂

  11. Pastor David I came across your site while searching for a guide to Bible reading. I am so blessed to find your guide.

    I was struggling to read the Bible. I didn’t know from where to start. I am so happy now I have such a systematic guide.

    I am Susan Lotha here from Nagaland India. God Bless.

  12. I’ve lived with a learning disability for many many years and trying to understand the Bible has been a very big struggle for me…I’ve talked to many pastors that I’ve come across…but none of them seem to know how to help me through…I’ve attended several Bible studies over the years…but I walk out more confused than when I went in…
    I want to understand the Bible, understand what God is trying to say…but it always seems to back fire on me…
    any suggestions for a lost soul?

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